The Life Balance Programme

The Life Balance Programme has been created with transformation at the heart of it. It will guide you towards personal changes that will create a person that is more resilient to stress, more present in their life, more successful in their endeavours…. someone that lives life in genuine balance.

The programme will look at improving your Emotional Intelligence and Psychological Resilience. It will help you to rebalance these areas, with the aim of creating a calmer, happier, healthier and more energetic version of yourself.

The Life Balance is designed for anyone who has become “stuck” in the concerns that life throws at them. Examples of which include:

  • Family problems

  • Career concerns

  • Poor performance

  • Relationship matters

  • Personal dilemmas

  • Health issues

  • Struggles with every-day life

These can lead to Emotional trauma such as

  • Anxiety

  • Panic Attacks

  • Overwhelm

  • Sadness/ depression

  • Anger

  • Fear

The list goes on and there are not many lives that don’t “hit a wall” at a given point – it is bound to happen in some respect. It is how we respond to what’s going on that will make all the difference to the balance of our lives.

The Life Balance Programme will help you change your perspective on what is happening and teach you to take charge of your life without letting overpowering negative thinking and destructive emotional responses “run the show”.

It uses emotional and psychological transformative techniques along with training in meditational practices, that have been shown to increase our ability to live life in the now and, in doing so, reduce the effect that destructive thoughts and emotions have on us. It will show you the mind/ body connection – and demonstrate that many issues and ailments can be relieved when we address the psychological and emotional blocks that perpetuate them. It demonstrates how we can build back our energy levels by addressing these concerns and by adding helpful practices into our day.

Interested to find out more/ discuss costs or to book onto the programme? Simply use the contact page here and take the first step in your journey towards a more balanced life.

Please note that all sessions will be conducted online.