I am Eileen Milne and I created the Life Balance Programme to deliver lasting change to how you live your life.
How have I developed this programme? Through years of searching for answers, finding half-truths and eventually finding a mentor, who took me on – first as a client, showing me how to achieve lasting personal transformation then training me and encouraging me to develop my own programme to do similar for others.
I have lived a full life – I am a Graduate (in Genetics from Edinburgh University); had busy careers - first in Research and then (for almost 30 years) in the Medical Industry; been married, divorced and married again and I am the mother of 2 young adults. I have experienced some great highs but also some deep lows over those years - including job loss, family issues, mental health problems and divorce. Around 2010 I started training in Yoga and Meditation to help me deal with these issues and in 2012 I took this further – becoming a Yoga and Mindfulness Meditation Teacher so that I could develop in these areas and help others to deal with the stresses of life at the same time. Some of the practices I have learned in that time have now been incorporated into the Life Balance Programme.
The next step on this journey was working with Veronica Leigh, of MawdsLeigh, who has created a unique system for personal development. Veronica guided me through her system, accredited me in its use and encouraged me to develop my own Life Balance Programme
Throughout this process I dropped my anxiety and self-doubt and learned how to put my life in balance. I took control, stopped playing the victim, stopped blaming others, started living in full awareness and, in all honesty, found the deep sense of happiness that had eluded me for so long.
Now it is about living in the moment, being accountable for my own path through life and responding in a manner that is both constructive and empowering.
This is who I am and what I do – my mission is to share this model and to help others to transform their lives as I have transformed mine.